On the Path to Success

We care about building both wealth and happiness for our clients, setting them on a path to financial independence to live a rich life in more ways than one.

The examples below are similar to actual client success stories but are hypothetical to protect client privacy.

KATIE AND ADAM - Ages 39 and 41

Katie is a VP of Marketing, and Adam is a Director of Operations.

Primary Goal:

Save for their children's education, renovate their home, achieve financial independence by age 55.

Recommended Solution:

Comprehensive Wealth Management

The Situation:

Katie and Adam have excelled in their careers and positioned themselves well for the future with smart financial choices. They are both high earners, but have continued to live well below their means, resulting in a consistent monthly cash surplus. They are raising three children, aged 5, 8, and 11, and while they have been diligent about saving for retirement and investing in their 401(k)s, they find themselves struggling to balance many financial goals, such as saving for their children's education, planning annual adventures, and renovating their home to better suit their growing family.

They have been focused on building a stable future for their children, but with college costs looming and the desire to pay for these without incurring too much debt, they need a strategic plan to balance their current lifestyle, future aspirations, and financial goals.

The Approach:

To help better align the allocation of their resources with what matters to them, we completed the Walden Roots process, where Katie and Adam identified their core values, clarified their financial goals, and crafted a statement of financial purpose. Once we knew “why” we were planning, we then started working on the “how”, which included a comprehensive plan with goals, timeframes, and annual funding budgets.

The Results:

The financial plan for Katie and Andrew provided a multi-faceted approach to achieve their goals:

• It outlined a savings strategy for their children's education, identifying tax-efficient vehicles like 529 plans and exploring scholarships and grant opportunities.

• It proposed a budget for their home renovation project, suggesting ways to finance it without compromising their other financial goals, possibly through a home equity line of credit or a tailored loan product.

• It assessed their current investment strategy, suggesting a tax-efficient, more diversified and growth-oriented portfolio allocation to accelerate their wealth accumulation for financial independence by age 55.

• It emphasized the importance of a flexible approach, redirecting positive cash flow to after-tax investments, recognizing that their priorities may shift as their children grow and their careers evolve.

• It identified the need to replace their existing whole life insurance with fixed term, resulting in substantial savings on monthly premium and increased death benefit.

• It coordinated an updated estate plan including a trust to ensure their assets were distributed in alignment with their statement of financial purpose and core values. .

The planning process has given Katie and Adam the confidence to enjoy their current lifestyle while staying on track for their future aspirations, providing a sense of financial peace of mind they had been seeking. They finally feel like they are using their resources intentionally, which has given them a level of clarity with their personal finances they’ve never felt before.

SOPHIA & ETHAN - Ages 44 and 46

Sophia is a corporate lawyer, and Ethan is a financial analyst.

Primary Goal:

Prioritize tax planning, refine investment management, balance current lifestyle with future financial needs.

The Situation:

Sophia and Ethan have accumulated substantial net worth through diligent saving, savvy investing, and capitalizing on their high incomes. They have two children for whom they wish to provide quality education and a strong financial start. Despite their financial success, they're concerned about the inefficiencies in their tax planning and the effectiveness of their investment strategy in meeting both their current lifestyle desires and future financial goals, including a secure retirement and legacy plan.

The Approach:

Sophia and Ethan were proactive in managing their finances but needed a comprehensive strategy to optimize their tax liabilities, enhance their investment performance, and ensure a balanced approach to achieving their short-term and long-term financial objectives.

As part of the planning process we conducted a thorough review of their current financial situation, including income streams, investments, tax liabilities, and future financial goals. We then developed a tailored financial plan focusing on tax efficiency, robust investment management, and aligning their financial resources with their priorities.

The Results:

The financial plan for Sophia and Ethan resulted in several key outcomes:

• It introduced advanced tax planning strategies, such as tax-loss harvesting, strategic charitable giving, and the use of tax-advantaged accounts, to reduce their annual tax burden and increase their after-tax income.

• The investment management approach was overhauled to align with their risk tolerance, time horizon, and financial goals, focusing on diversification, cost efficiency, and long-term growth potential.

• A balanced plan was implemented to manage their current lifestyle spending while ensuring the robust growth of their wealth to meet future needs, such as their children's education and their retirement.

Sophia and Ethan now have a financial plan that not only optimizes their current financial situation but also ensures the sustainability of their lifestyle and the achievement of their long-term goals. They feel more confident in their financial future, knowing that they have a clear and actionable strategy that balances their immediate enjoyment of life with the responsible stewardship of their wealth for future generations.

MICHAEL & LAURA - Ages 52 and 50

Michael is a civil engineer, and Laura is an educational consultant.

Primary Goal:

Pay for college expenses, acquire a second home, and optimize tax efficiency.

The Situation:

Michael and Laura, well-established in their careers, have spent years balancing work and family life, successfully raising two children now in their late teens. With college tuition payments on the horizon and a dream of buying a second home for family vacations and future retirement, they face the challenge of managing these substantial expenses while maintaining their lifestyle and advancing toward retirement.

They've accumulated a considerable amount in savings and retirement accounts through diligent saving and investing. Still, they haven't fully optimized their financial strategy, particularly regarding tax efficiency and investment allocation, to meet their changing priorities.

The Approach:

Acknowledging their need for specialized guidance, Michael and Laura sought a financial advisor who could navigate the complexities of late-stage college planning, real estate investment, and tax optimization.

The financial planning process focused on detailed cash flow analysis to strategize funding for their children's college education without jeopardizing their retirement savings. Additionally, the plan considered the purchase of a second home, evaluating how to finance this goal in a tax-efficient manner and integrate it into their long-term wealth management strategy.

Tax planning became a crucial element of their strategy, aiming to minimize their tax liability through various tactics, including smart withdrawal strategies from their retirement accounts, tax-efficient investment placements, and leveraging tax-advantaged savings for education.

The Results:

Michael and Laura's comprehensive financial plan yielded significant benefits:

• It identified the best strategies for covering college expenses, utilizing savings, scholarships, and tax-advantaged college savings plans to ease the financial burden without draining their retirement funds.

• They developed a clear plan for purchasing a second home, including timing, location, financing options, and tax implications, aligning this goal with their long-term financial stability and retirement vision.

• Their tax situation was meticulously analyzed, leading to a refined investment strategy that reduced their overall tax liability, thereby increasing their net income and investment growth potential.

With the new financial plan in place, Michael and Laura gained the clarity and confidence they needed to tackle their immediate financial challenges while staying on course for a comfortable retirement. They now enjoy a more balanced and proactive approach to managing their finances, ensuring they can support their children's education, invest in their dream property, and continue to thrive financially.


Alexander is a technology executive.

Primary Goal:

Strategize wealth management, philanthropic planning, and lifestyle enhancement.

The Situation:

Alexander, a highly successful technology executive, has reached a pinnacle in his career, earning $1,000,000 annually. Despite this financial achievement, he faces the paradox of wealth abundance, unsure how to best manage and utilize his substantial income. With no family obligations and a simple lifestyle, Alexander's savings have accumulated rapidly, leading him to seek guidance on effectively deploying his wealth to fulfill personal ambitions, contribute to society, and secure his financial future.

He is passionate about technology and innovation but feels disconnected from the tangible impacts of his wealth. Alexander desires to make meaningful contributions through philanthropy, invest in experiences that enrich his life, and ensure that his financial practices align with his values and long-term objectives.

The Approach:

Understanding the unique position Alexander is in, the focus shifted to creating a multi-faceted wealth management strategy that encompasses financial growth, philanthropic aspirations, and personal fulfillment.

The plan starts with Walden Roots, a deep dive on what’s truly important to Alexander to define what success and fulfillment mean to him, then a comprehensive financial analysis to establish a clear picture of his current wealth status. The strategy includes creating a structured investment portfolio that aligns with his risk tolerance and financial goals, exploring philanthropic avenues that resonate with his values, and budgeting for lifestyle enhancements that offer genuine happiness and life satisfaction.

Given his high income and the complexity of his financial situation, tax planning becomes a cornerstone of the strategy, ensuring that his wealth management is as tax-efficient as possible, maximizing his ability to invest, donate, and spend.

The Results:

Alexander's tailored financial plan led to significant transformations:

• Investment in low-cost, diversified assets, including real estate and socially responsible investments, aligning his portfolio with his passion for ethical values.

• A structured philanthropic strategy was established through a Donor Advised Fund, allowing him to contribute appreciated assets to causes he cares about in a tax-efficient manner.

• A budget for personal enrichment and experiences was developed, ensuring Alexander could indulge in travel, education, and hobbies that enhance his quality of life and provide a balanced approach to wealth enjoyment.

• Tax optimization strategies were implemented, significantly reducing his tax liability and enabling more efficient wealth accumulation and charitable giving.

With this holistic financial plan, Alexander now enjoys a more purposeful and satisfying relationship with his wealth. He feels empowered, knowing his financial decisions are creating a positive impact, fulfilling his personal aspirations, and setting a solid foundation for his future financial security.

It all starts with a conversation.