Insights on Financial Planning and Intentional Living

Josh Dandurand Josh Dandurand

Abundance or Scarcity: You Choose

Have you ever found yourself comparing your life to someone elses'? Wishing you had something that they had? Intelligence, looks, house, lifestyle? Of course you have, you’re human!

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Josh Dandurand Josh Dandurand

Time Well Spent

“Wealth is the ability to fully experience life.” -- Henry David Thoreau

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Josh Dandurand Josh Dandurand

Elections matter, but not so much to your investments

Election years can be fraught with uncertainty as developments surrounding the candidates, their platforms, and their predicted effects on the economy and markets dominate the news. But should you let this stream of political information influence how your investment portfolio is managed?

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Josh Dandurand Josh Dandurand

Start Small

I love new. New ideas, new projects, new ways of doing things, new anything(s). I get energy from thinking about change. The problem is, I get excited about the new, then immediately overwhelmed by the amount of hard work, planning, focus and time it takes to do anything worthwhile.

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Josh Dandurand Josh Dandurand

Financial Independence

Financial Independence. This phrase is often used synonymously with retirement, but I believe it’s something completely different. For some, financial Independence is that magical day when you walk into your boss’ office and say, “it’s been a pleasure, but PEACE OUT!”… then head to the beach to live out the rest of our life in a state of constant relaxation and 4pm dinner specials. Or is it?

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Josh Dandurand Josh Dandurand

Who needs a coach? I do.

We all have a different way of approaching a new year. Some make resolutions, some set goals, some do nothing at all. I think I’ve subscribed to each approach at some point throughout my adult life. Like many, my focus at the beginning of the year has often been on fitness.

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